2A Automation Systems

The First and only web based automation systems.
2A Station management system is a group of computer softwares that operates integrated to achieve the following objectives.
-Pump automation system
-Vehicle identification system
-Customer identification system
-Tank automation system
-Fleet management systme
-Customer satisfaction
-Attendants shift management
-On-line pump observation and customer screen
Pump automation system is the main part that manages dispenser sales. All dispensers are connected to a server system and all sales with liter and total amount values are managed, stored and controlled by this system.

The most important feature of the system is the accuracy of pump data record keeping with fast reliable services and Vehicle identification system is the part that manages contaclesstags that are assigned to vehicles, store tags and checks max liter, max amount and bloack list entries.  Customer identification system is the part that manages customer monetary transactions and credit/debit entries.

Tank  automation system is the part that manages tank measurements, either manual or automatic , and tank sales through pumps.

Fleet management system is the part that manages fleet pump sales and monetary transaction tracking.

Attendants shift management  is the part that manages pump attendents sales and shifts. On-Lİne pump observation and Customer Screen is the part that manages online pump sales and let the customers see what is sold on the pump real time.

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